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Wine Intentions

Wine Intentions

Y’all, I love wine. I think I’ve made that pretty clear, but I just need to get it off my chest. Reds… whites… name it and I’ll drink it. My girls come over for random wine nights and they’ve got expectations. So obviously, I need to be fully stocked at all times.


My savior for wine night at a drop of a dime is Grape Intentions. I filled out a quick fun survey on their website, and it created a subscription of wines I would like… and guess what, I love them! It’s kind of like pairing your personality to the right wines. Which one is the ‘super fabulous, boss, queen B, cute-but-crazy’ wine?


Oh, and the person behind the magical pairings is Grape Intentions creator Brett H. Freeman, a wine professional and culinarian with over 20 years experience selecting the perfect wine to suit each individual’s particular taste profile. Yep, I trust him.


Grape Intentions subscription is super easy to customize. You can choose however many bottles you want per month from 3 to 12 (hello!). Then you choose which types of wines you want from Good, Gooder, and Goodest (for you fancy pants).


I’ve used other wine subscriptions before and one time they sent me 12 wine bottles at once. I expected a bottle a month, wanting it to feel like Christmas morning each month, but nope, got them all in one delivery. I wasn’t thrilled with that so knowing exactly what to expect with Grape Intentions is the best!


When I learned Grape Intentions gives back to the Humane Rescue Alliance, I was all in. They don’t just love our 4-legged friends, Grape Intentions also gives back to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the Michael J. Fox Foundation, and so many other incredible organizations. Every time you make an order or subscribe, you can choose which charity organization you would like the proceeds to go to.


So, just so we are all clear, Grape Intentions chooses the perfect set of wines based on my personality, sends them with the exact amount of bottles I want per month while never duplicating a bottle, and gives back to a ridiculous amount of charities? Check, check, and checkmate. BTW, if you just want to get one bottle, they’re cool with that, too.


“At Grape Intentions, the fun is also in the giving; making a meaningful impact on our communities.”

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